Allen Engineering PRO436 – Walk-Behind Trowel

Our Pro436 comes standard with a 9hp class Honda Engine and lifting bale and can be equipped with either our Fine Pitch or newly redesigned Rapid Pitch handle. These trowels are built for the most demanding job sites. Our Pro436 is available with either a 5.5hp or 9hp class Honda Engine and is a great choice for customers working in smaller areas.


ENGINE – HONDA GX160 or HONDA GX270 / 163 cc or 270 cc
HORSEPOWER CLASS – 5.5 hp or 9 hp / 4.1 kW or 6.7 kW
FUEL TYPE – Gasoline
ROTOR DIAMETER – 36 in (4-blades) / 91 cm
TROWEL ARMS & SPIDER – Standard Duty
WEIGHT – 186 lb or 222 lb / 84 kg or 101 kg
DIMENSIONS (L X W X H) – 72 x 38 x 36 in / 182.8 x 96.5 x 91.4 cm