- Max. capacity: 6600 lb
- Max. lifting height: 42 ft
- Max. outreach: 28 ft 3 in
Weight and Dimensions
- Length to face of forks: 19 ft 1 in
- Overall width: 8 ft 2 in
- Overall height: 7 ft 10 in
- Wheelbase: 10 ft
- Ground clearance: 16 in
- Overall cab width: 33 in
- Tilt-up angle: 12 °
- Tilt-down angle: 112 °
- External turning radius: 13 ft 8 in
- Unladen weight (with forks): 22000 lb
- Unladen weight: 22000 lb
- Overall weight: 22000 lb
- Standard tyres: 13 x 24
- Forks length / width / section: 47 in x 5 in / 2 in
- Frame levelling corrector: 10 °
- Lifting: 11 s
- Lowering: 8 s
- Extension: 14 s
- Retraction: 12 s
- Crowd: 7 s
- Dump: 4 s
- Engine brand: Deutz
- Engine norm: Stage IV / Tier 4 Final
- Engine model: TCD 3.6 L4
- Number of cylinders / Capacity of cylinders: 4 – 0.23 in³
- Power (kW): 55 kW
- Max. torque / Engine rotation: 288 ft/lbs @ 1300 rpm
- Transmission type: Torque converter with powershift
- Number of gears (forward / reverse): 4 / 3
- Max. travel speed: 15 mi/h
- Parking brake: SAHR
- Service brake: Wet disc brakes
- Axle Manufacturer: Dana
- Hydraulic pump type: Gear pump
- Hydraulic flow / Pressure: 41 US gpm-3002 PSI
Tank Capacities
- Engine oil: 4 US gal
- Hydraulic oil: 45 US gal
- Fuel tank: 47 US gal
- Steering wheels (front / rear): 2 / 2
- Drive wheels (front / rear): 2 / 2
- Safety cab homologation: ROPS/FOPS
- Controls: Single joystick with FNR